Playing as an educational tool that promotes learning in primary education

Author :  

Mirdite Perteshi - Lulzime Kadriu

Year-Number: 2022-II-1
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-03-16 19:30:30.0
Language : Other
Konu : Educational Sciences
Number of pages: 19
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Gradually, the child using different objects during play begins to discover those qualities, which contribute to distinguishing objects and objects. By moving his body during games he gains elementary experience over space. Through the activity during the game he learns to investigate and distinguish what is big, the short from the long, etc. The child expresses satisfaction with the results of the game, but is much more satisfied when the adults offer him acceptance and praise for the successes achieved. This increases the child's self-confidence and strengthens motives for further participation in the game. It is understood that the child during play, as well as at work, fights with difficult difficulties and obstacles, although, he, in a way, knows how to master and overcome them. He during the game is full of new situations, where not only the mechanical application of experiences is enough, but the child is required to discover new ways. In such cases, the child's own intelligence comes into play.


Child game school

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