Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-1
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-04-29 14:47:24.0
Language : English
Konu : Civil Law
Number of pages: 2-11
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




There are many reasons why the plaintiff starts the lawsuit. Thus, regardless of the purpose of conducting a disputed procedure, the intention of the parties is oriented towards the rapid adoption of a court decision which will eliminate any unpredictability in the disputed law between the parties. Arbitration as a binding private-non-public alternative to very useful decision-making in a large number of disputes, mainly civil disputes, is a relief for resolving contentious issues. In this respect it is seen that we are dealing with a judgment that in general terms we can say that: arbitration is one of the fastest and most efficient alternative ways of resolving disputes that today require the trends of modern society. In this way businesses are interested in quick and non-bureaucratic dispute resolution. Arbitration is a procedure which nowadays globally dominates in disputes between businesses. The most complicated and costly disputes are resolved by arbitral tribunals worldwide. The arbitration procedure is transparent and provides the means of control of the procedure by the parties. 


  • A. Pillet, Traité pratique de droit International privé, Tome II, Grenoble, Paris, 1924; A. Redfern, M. Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, fourth edition, London, 2004; A. Jan van den Berg, The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, The Hague, 1981;

  • Brestovci, Faik. E Drejta Procedurale Civile I dhe II Prishtinë 2006;

  • .̀ Prishtinë, 2012; Bilalli. Asllan. “ Zgjidhja e Kontesteve Afariste nëpërmjet Arbitrazhit Tregtar Ndërkombtar. Prishtin 2012; Bobbie Brooks Inc v Lanificio Walter Banci SaS (US v Italy) 4 YB Com Arb 289, 290-91 (Court of Appeal, Florence, 1979); Citing Prima Paint Corp v Flood & Conklin Manufacturing Co, [1967] USSC 172; 388 US 395, 404 (1967); Drejtësia, R. P. Sethi, Komentari mbi Ligjin e Arbitrazhit dhe Pajtimit, 719-720, (Vol. 1, Ashoka Law House, New Delhi); Fougerolle SA (France) v Ministry of Defence of the Syrian Arab Republic 15 YB Com Arb 515; Hetemi. J. Mejdi. E Drejta Ndërkombëtare Tregëtare- Afariste. Prishtinë, 2007; J. Rubellin-Devichi, L‟arbitrage: Nature juridique. Droit interne et droit international privé, Paris, 1965; J. Foelix, Traité du droit international privé, 2d ed. (Paris: Joubert, 1847); Jai Kishan Dass Mull v. Luchhiminarain Kanoria & Co., (1974) 2 SCC 521; K. Kwatra, Ligji i ri për Arbitrazhin dhe Pajtimin e Indisë, 45-46, (Indian Council of Arbitration , New Delhi, 1998); Libyan American Oil Co v Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahirya, 482 F Supp 1175 (Colombia, 1980); Morina. Iset, “ Arbitrazhi dhe Procedura e Arbitrazhit”,. Prishtinë 2015; Musa, Mustafë, ‟‟The Arbitration Law‟‟, Gjilan. 2012; M. Petrović, „Поништај арбитражног уговора у арбитражни спор‟, Право и Привреда, nr. 5-8, 1998; M. Domke, Arbitrazhi Commercial, Prentice Hall, 1965; Puto. Arben. “ International Public Law”. Tiran 2010; R. Turner, Vendimet e Arbitrazhit: një qasje praktike, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 2005, pg. 3; Tafaj. Flutura./ Vokshi. Asim. Procedurë Civile (Pjesa II-botimi I). Tiran, janar 2014; Thaqi. Ramadan. Arbitration Law. Prishtin 2012; Applicable laws and conventions:  Law no. 02 / L-75, Law on Arbitration of Kosovo;  Law no. 04 / L-077, / on the obligations of Kosovo (LMD);  Kosovo Contested Procedure Law;  Albanian Arbitration Law 1996;  Model Law on UNCTRAL International Trade Arbitration of 1985;  O.P. Malhotra, Ligji dhe Praktika e Arbitrazhit dhe Pajtimit, 252, (botimi i dytë, LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur);  Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 1923;  Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1927;  New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958;  European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration of 1961;

  • i Musa, Mustafa, "The Right of Arbitration", Gjilan. 2012. Fq. 80

  • iii Musa, Mustafa, "The Right of Arbitration", Gjilan. 2012. Fq. 84.

  • v Summary of Arbitration Rules 2011, Article 15, p. 9.

  • vi Morina. Iset, “Arbitration and Arbitration Procedure”. Prishtina 2015. p. 183;

  • vii See: Law no. 02 / L-75; Kosovo Arbitration Law; Prishtina 2008; Article 18;

  • viii Puto. Arben. "International Public Law". Tirana, 2010. p. 442.

  • x Hetemi. J. Mejdi. International Commercial-Business Law. Prishtina, 2007, p. 471.

  • xi Musa, Mustafa, "The Right to Arbitration", Gjilanë, 2012, p. 80

  • xiii Musa, Mustafa, "The Right to Arbitration", Gjilana. 2012, p. 84.

  • The most important acts relating to the right to commercial arbitration are: the Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 1923, the Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitration Decisions of 1927, the New York Convention on the Recognition and the execution of foreign arbitration awards of 1958, the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration of 1961, the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Citizens of Other States of 1965, and the international model ModelLaw on Arbitration. UNCITRAL international trader of 1985. xv The European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration of 1961 in Article 1, paragraph 2, sub-b, provides for these two meanings. ), but also before institutional arbitrations. xvi A. Redfern, M. Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, fourth edition, London, 2004. p. 1. xvii Hetemi. J. Mehdi. International Commercial Law. Prishtina, 2007. Pg. 427. xviii See: http: // (01/06/2016). I get on dt. 01.04.2015, time 17:12. xix All disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract are ultimately settled under the Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. xx See Article 5 of the European Convention; Article 21 OF UNCITRAL Rules of Arbitration. In the context of the ICC arbitration proceedings, the International Court of Arbitration has an important role (see Article 8.3 of the ICC 2012 Arbitration Rules). xxi See: http: // (01.06.2016). I get on dt. 01.04.2015, time 17:16; xxii See: Law no. 04 / L-077 of Kosovo Obligations Relations; Prishtina 2012. Article 97, paragraph 1; According to which article it is stated that: The contract is void when the party has entered into a disability to act, when during its conclusion there were defects in terms of the will of the parties, as well as when this is determined by this law or by special provision. xxiii Yes there. Article 89, paragraph 1; According to which article it is stated that: Contract that is contrary to public order, imperative provisions, or morality of the company is null and void, if the purpose of the violated rule does not guide in any other sanction or if the law in the particular case does not predicts something else. xxiv See: Law no. 04 / L-077 of Kosovo Obligations Relations; Prishtina 2012. Article 89, paragraph 1; xxv See: UNCITRAL Model Law, Article 8 (2); xxvi See: Law 02 / L-75; Kosovo Arbitration Law; Prishtina 2008; (Article 14); According to which it is stated that: The arbitral tribunal decides on the validity of the arbitration agreement and whether it is competent to resolve the dispute which has been submitted to it. In this context, the arbitration clause, which is part of a contract, is treated as a separate and independent contract. xxvii Article 24, of the Arbitration Rules by the UNCTRAL Model Law xxviii Ibid., Article 25. Also under the Model Law on Arbitration (UNCTRAL) Article 27 states: `` The arbitral tribunal or a party with the approval of the arbitral tribunal may request from a competent court of that State assistance in obtaining evidence. The court may execute the request within its competence and in accordance with its rules for taking evidence``. xxix United States Arbitration Act, adopted July 12, 1925, codified July 30, 1947, as amended in 1954, 1970, and 1990. xxx Immediately after the enactment of the Federal Arbitration Act (1962), institutional arbitration was established in the United States, the American Arbitration Association (AAA), as an independent organization for the entire United States. This institution deals with all types of arbitration disputes, national and international.

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